It is not technically a joke. No more a joke than every day of life on Earth.
Mostly this.
I dunno. Maybe. Who are your favorite? Nick D was there.
Depending on how many people participate there will be between 1 and 3 hours of talks, demonstrations, and activities. Then there will be tacos. Throughout the afternoon there will be beer. There will be a pull-up competition at the end of the night.
Maybe next year.
There are certain fixed costs and certain incremental costs. I'm not in this for the money anyway. Invite your friends if you want SeanCon to be a success.
Oh, it is not worth $1000. The Ultra Ticket entitles the bearer to one free hug and breakfast in bed. It's probably worth about $45. Please don't buy it.
Two of my friends asked me to go to a stupid event with stupid "lightning talks". I suggested I pay them $5 each instead of going to the stupid event. Thus SeanCon was born.